Tips For Fast Weight Loss - 3 Foods You Must Avoid At All Costs
Are these 3 foods really that bad? Yes. If you want to be in fantastic shape and want to be a health and fitness success you need to stop eating them. The people you see who look and feel great, don't eat these things. Neither should you.
You will hear many people tell you that these 3 foods and food additives "are not that bad for you." They are wrong. If you run into a person like this, ask them where they've received their information. They most likely will not be able to tell you. As the ultimate test, look to see if they radiate good health and fantastic energy-if they don't I'm going to guess they have been moderately killing themselves by eating these foods.
Don't listen to anyone who WANTS to be there. Listen to someone who IS there. If you're still questioning whether or not you should eat a food on this list, here's one other way to look at it. If just a few drops of cyanide can kill you, what else can? So here's the list of things you should not eat...
1. Cigarettes and Nicotine
2. Aspartame or any artificial sweetener.
You are better off eating sugar than putting poisons like aspartame in your body. If you eat it for diet or any purposes, think about this: The American Cancer Society found that those who used sweetener in their diets actually gained more weight than those who didn't! Aspartame can cause cancer, lupus and M.S. Some symptoms of Aspartame poisoning are joint pain, diarrhea, depression, cramps, spasms, dizziness, shooting pains, seizures and numbness in your legs.
If you eat too much aspartame you can die. This is a synthetic product that has no equivalent in nature. Your body was never meant to have it. Why take the risk?
3. High Fructose Corn Syrup
High fructose corn syrup (HFCS), made from cornstarch, became prevalent in our foods in the 1970s when the food industry found that it was sweeter and cheaper than regular table sugar (sucrose).
This highly processed sugar is linked to weight gain and diabetes and is more likely to be turned to fat by the body than any of the other sugars. This sugar is added to many processed foods and even the foods that say "Fat Free." Here is a popular-but not exclusive-list:
- Soft Drinks
- Fruit Juices
- Baked Goods
- Canned Fruit
- Dairy Products
- Cookies
- Gum
- Jams and Jellies
- Salad Dressings
HFCS also raises your triglyceride levels. High levels are linked to heart disease as well as general deteriorating health. This processed food, just like the others on this list, is a poison and you cannot continue to be confused by the studies that say it is good for you. HFCS might have one or two good qualities-it is cheap and makes things taste good-but that isn't enough reason to put it in our food and make us fat!
Ruck Stewart is a professional weight loss trainer with decades of experience. Visit his website right now at Burn The Fat Review to see the best weight loss course on the planet. Go there now --> Guide To Weight Loss.