Healthy Fat Loss

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Weight Loss Cure

Because obesity has become a pandemic in our society, more and more people are looking for ways to lose weight. Whether they join weight loss clubs; engage in diets drinks or choose the variety of weight loss regimens available; the problem still exists.

Whether or not you have seen Mr. Trudeau's infomercial about this weight loss book, along with the other books he has written; you have to seriously wonder if this book is, in fact, the answer. While his notion that pharmaceutical companies prescribe medications for conditions which can be treated by other methods is not a new concept, he has nonetheless revealed many home remedies and as well as holistic treatments which have been very successful, and which have been used for thousands of years.

This weight loss cure book is no exception. What he is basically describing in this book is a way to lose weight without depending on fad diets, pills, or other forms of weight loss treatments. Evidenced by his weight loss, Mr. Trudeau has been an outspoken advocate against traditional medications which pharmaceutical companies have been promoting, and others of his ilk have followed suit.

In an effort to prove this cure works, he utilized the protocols, and in six weeks lost 45 pounds. He also revealed in his infomercial that no exercise was needed; his energy level increased; and his eating habits drastically changed. Moreover, once you have completed the protocol outlined in the book, you will never feel hungry and your metabolism will increase, thereby allowing for more fat to be burned. If you have had the opportunity to see Mr. Trudeau in his infomercials, you will notice the dramatic change in his weight as well as take note of his youthful appearance.

If you have tried to lose weight and failed, you should read this book. Ensure you check with your doctor before trying any weight loss diet wherein you lose weight as rapidly as Mr. Trudeau claims. However, it is worth the price. It is also important to note that he has also tried other weight loss programs without success. He would lose the weight and gain it back.

The weight loss cure book may be just the answer you are looking for and may also provide answers to questions which traditional types of weight loss diets have failed to provide.

You can find out more about the Weight Loss Cure Book here. Lambert Klein is the owner of Think Healthy Supplements.

Benefits of Weight Lifting

Some of us simply underestimate the importance of weight lifting. Especially women underestimate the benefits of weight lifting. Here just several benefits:

-Weight lifting decreases your blood pressure thus making the risk of heart diseases lower.

-Weight lifting develop toned muscles in women.

-Weight lifting gives you more energy.

-Weight lifting raises your metabolism.

-Weight lifting reducing the risk of developing colon cancer.

-Weight lifting improves posture.

-Weight lifting elevates mood.

-Weight lifting improves coordination.

These are few benefits of weight lifting. All the benefits of weight lifting simply could not be mentioned on one page. But believe me weight lifting is the key to a healthier life and weight loss. Weight lifting and exercises can be considered the basics of a man's health life. Most of people who doing exercises and lifting weights are slim and have no excess body fat.

When people just hear the words "Weight Lifting" they are scared with the fact they should lift 20 kilos weights. But this is not so scary. Weights should be chose according to your gender, body mass and age. Women of all ages may lift 2-3 kilos weights. Young men can lift 5-8 kilos weights. Aged men should be careful and choose 2-5 kilos weights. This will be enough for you to start being a healthy person.

Good Luck!

Artem S. is a webmaster of Weight Loss Pills, a site dedicated to weight loss information.

Weight Loss - Reasons For Being Overweight and Obese

It is true that if you are overweight, you could be in deep problem. Overweight persons have significant risk of heart disease, Stroke, diabetes, Gallbladder disease, Sleep apnea and respiratory problems and hypertension in comparison to a normal person. Besides all the health problems obese people has more chances of feeling depressed due to his/her physical unattractiveness thus a lot of people are interested in weight reduction programs. According to a recent study about overweight people in United States, it is found that more than 50% of American citizen are overweight. There could be lot of reasons for being overweight but some of the major reasons are listed as below-

  • Overeating: Overeating is primary and main reason for being overweight. Most people simply overeat only for being lonely, depressed or bored. Overweight persons always have craving for more food and their taste buds are always tempted for more and more food.
  • Wrong eating habits: excessive use of fatty foods and soft drinks often lead to weight gain. Some of the high calorie foods that can cause overweight are cheesy burgers, pizzas, French fries etc. these are high in calories and fat content so it is better to avoid them, or should be used less.
  • Genetics: some people are genetically overweight when one or both parents are carriers of faulty genes. Slow metabolic rate or presence of fat in and around midsection is all because of gene, inherited through your parents.
  • Use of Anti-Depressants Medications: Some medicines such as anti-depressants medicines, beta-blockers or birth control pill can contribute to weight gain.
  • Lack of physical activities: Most of overweight people have a history of being deskbound. Regular exercise can help in reducing weight.
  • Sleep Deprivation: In a study conducted in United States it is found that if people get less than 8 hours of sound sleep, tend to gain more weight than those that usually sleep more. Sleep deprivation can cause more hormones secretion to eat more.

How to reduce your weight?

Reducing weight is not as difficult as some people say. It is a popular misconception that "weight reduction programs" is necessary to loose weight. Your can reduce your weight without going for any expensive weight reduction quick solution programs. Reasons for being overweight may be numerous but the most important aspect about weight reduction is your high morale; if you have the determination and will power you can get rid of your obesity. Change your eating habits, eat less fatty foods, drink lots of water, do regular exercise, and you will soon feel that you are more healthy, attractive and happy but not overweight.

Reduce weight is always about foods and exercises, the combination of both has been proven very effective not only to lose weight but as well as to live healthily. If you are about to search for the methods, you would be glad to visit combination of foods and exercises to reduce weight for information.

Ivy is a mother of three. She used to be fat and she has tried a lot of methods in order to lose weight. Now she wants to share what she has learned and her secret, visit her website at weight loss methods if you want to have a good appearance and be healthy at the same time.

Weight Loss & Herbs

It is probably common knowledge that herbs are the predecessor of the medicine that we use today.

Interestingly enough, herbs are making a come back and are once again gaining in popularity over the

use of pharmacuetical medicine. Even doctors and medical researchers are beginning to rediscover both the benefits and safety of herbs.

Ancient cultures relied upon herbs to treat various ailments and conditions. Through intuition and experimenting they discovered the various effects that herbs produced in treating their health problems. Traditional cultures such as the Chinese developed a highly sophisticated system for treating ailments, including the use of herbs.

Over time the benefits of using plants and herbal remedies spread throughout the globe. Now, in modern times we are able to see that in many instances modern medicine does not provide all the answers.

Have you seen the commercials on television advertising different drugs? Of course you have. How about the end of the commercial where the announcer states that the using this drug may produce the following side effects? Positively frightening, isn't it? It is for this reason that many of us are turning to the use of herbs and other natural remedies. People are starting to realize that natural treatments can be of benefit to them.

Many of them are concerned about the serious side effects that come from using pharmacueticals.

There is something that most people do not realize or bother to think about. Using an herbal remedy for anything, including weight loss, tends to take a little longer. The reason for this is that herbs are by their very nature milder than conventional medicine. Have you seen those ads on the internet that promise you that you can lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Well, stop and consider that for a moment. You do not really want to lose that much weight in such a short period of time. You may think that you do but you really don't.

Why? Because losing that much weight that quickly can not possibly be good for you. It is a jolt to your system. It is not healthy. And there will be some very unpleasant side effects.

Conversely, herbs are mild. They take time. They produce continuous results. Herbs can be used for extended periods of time without producing any harmful side effects. Those of us that use herbs either to treat disease or to lose weight almost universally sing their praises.

Various cultures from all over the world have produced natural systems for treating health problems. Some of the most sophisticated and enduring systems come from the Chinese, from India and Africa. The system that probably is the most codified and complete comes from our friends in China. The Chinese have the second oldest, recorded history in the world. And they also have the most complete, natural system for treating what ails us.

From Africa comes Hoodia, which is a very effective means of losing weight. For Hoodia to be effective; however, it must be unadulterated. There are some serious quality control issues with Hoodia and it is difficult to know what you are getting.

One of the most popular products on the market comes from the Chinese. It is Wu Yi. This popular weight loss method has even been touted by Oprah. Here is the problem with Wu Yi. It is simply black tea. Black tea possesses no qualities that enable one to lose weight. I believe that the success of Wu Yi can be found in its' advertising. It states that it is effective when combined with a sensible diet and exercise. In other words, Wu Yi is a very expensive placebo.

Also from China is 999 Fitness Essence. This particular herbal fat burner is not as well know. Until very recently it could only be purchased from your local Chinese acupuncturist. 999 Fitness Essence consists of Lotus Leaf, Poria, Bush-cherry Seed, Chinese Yam and Hawthorn Fruit. These herbs and plants, used in this combination, have demonstrated a consistent and healthy means to lose weight.

Before purchasing any herbal treatment, do your homework. When purchasing on the internet, make sure that the seller provides contact information and a money back guarantee. Also, read the testimonials and see if their circumstances are similar to yours. (Some testimonials say that the results are not typical. Take this into consideration).

The truth is that the cornerstone of any healthy, weight loss program is diet and exercise. But, if you want to compliment your weight loss regimen, then the right herbal product will help you to lose weight in a healthy and consistent manner.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

When Green Tea Diets Don't Work, Try Nutrient Timing

For over a decade, trainers, coaches, and natural health experts have touted the benefits of green tea and green tea diet pills and capsules for losing weight and lowering blood sugars. Not everyone who uses these and similar products, however, benefits equally. Here's what the research literature is telling us now.

Green tea seems to enhance the benefits of exercise.

Four scientists at the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Birmingham in England gave an extract (3 capsules containing a total of 890 mg of polyphenols and 365 mg of ECGC) or a placebo to healthy men 24 hours before they did workouts at maximum velocity on a stationary bike.

The men who took the green tea supplement showed:

  • 17 per cent faster fat burning,
  • approximately 17 per cent more fat burning, and
  • improved sensitivity to insulin, helping muscles take up both glucose and amino acids to repair themselves and grow after exercise.

But that's taking the right supplement in the right dosage and then getting out and exercising just as hard as you can for 30 minutes. What about the leading weight loss herb and moderate exercise or no exercise at all?

Green tea has lesser benefits for people who do not exercise.

A different group of scientists at a different institution investigated using a much smaller dosage of green tea catechins and ECGCs to stimulate fat burning at rest. Giving volunteers about 1/3 as much green tea extract as was used in the University of Birmingham study, scientists at the University of Geneva in Nice, France found that using green tea supplements resulted in:

  • 4 per cent faster fat burning even at rest, with
  • no loss of muscle mass

Even when volunteers did not exercise. The French scientists found that the antioxidants in green tea only stimulate weight loss if they are combined with caffeine at low doses. The English research team found that these supplements stimulate fat burning and weight loss even without caffeine if the polyphenols and ECGCs are given in a higher dose (about 900 and 300 mg a day, respectively). So, to restate:

A low-dose green tea diet aid needs to be combined with caffeine to help you lose weight. It won't help you get more out of exercise. But a higher-dose capsule or diet aid works even without caffeine, and boosts the benefits of exercise.

There are over 250 other studies in the medical literature on the role of green tea in weight loss, and, as a former formulator of natural health products, I've read them all. But here's what you need to know about any green tea diet plan:

  • If you're getting a low-dose product (less than 890 mg of catechins/polyphenols and less than 365 mg of ECGC's per day, however many capsules or diet pills you have to take), your supplement probably won't help you lose weight unless it contains caffeine.
  • If you're getting a full dose of extract (at least 890 mg of catechins/polyphenols and at least 365 mg of ECGCs per day), your supplement doesn't need caffeine to be effective.
  • Green tea weight loss products work much better when you exercise, and the harder your exercise, the greater their added benefit in fat loss, and
  • The benefits of this product for weight loss and fat burning don't start for at least 24 hours after you take the first dose.

Also, unfortunately, you can drink tea all day and still not get enough of the antioxidants to affect weight loss.

Green tea ice cream, on the other hand, delivers a significant dose of the right polyphenols and ECGCs--but you'll find the fat burning effect of the green tea in green tea ice cream is not quite enough to cover the extra calories and fat. For best results, use a green tea diet, cut back on calories, and exercise, the harder, the better.

Author of eight books and thousands of articles on natural healing, Robert Rister has also written on benefits of green tea diet pills and capsules and over 70 other topics at his website Savvy Natural Healer.

How To Lose Belly Fat

No one has ever been lured into a relationship by a flabby pot belly. Nor has anyone extended their life with a big tummy. That belly fat doesn't enhance the fit of your clothes. With all the tempting fast foods and a busy life, what are you to do? If you want to lose belly fat, you can. With a careful diet and consistent moderate exercise, you can lose belly fat, and keep it off!

The most common mistake people make when trying to lose belly fat is thinking that starving themselves will work. If you don't eat but exercise strenuously, you'll find yourself drained, hungry and still not losing weight. Another common strategy is to eat very little but fail to exercise. This approach won't lose that belly fat either.

The body doesn't operate that way. With inadequate food, your metabolism slows to compensate for the lack of food. So fat will be burned, but much less than with a combination of diet and exercise.

The secret to losing that fat is to reduce food portions, and get daily exercise. You can eat whatever you want, as long as it's nutritious and portions are smaller. Smaller portions allow you all the tastes you already enjoy, but because you're eating less, your body will be a fat burning machine without the awful side effects and dangers of starvation.

If you're going to consume 1500 calories per day, then a half-hour of belly exercise will be enough to slowly burn weight. If you want to ramp it up, then increase the amount of exercise as you see fit (pun intended). But half an hour of belly exercises are usually hard enough for a person to do.

Why is this? Why does it seem harder to lose belly fat than anywhere else on your body? It's not that you aren't burning fat, it's just that the stomach naturally has more padding. Also, when people try to lose belly fat, they usually aren't making the most of their exercise program. They stop between sit-ups, which slows down the fat burning process. Instead, when you exercise, go all the way through the routine, stopping only when absolutely necessary. Another effective way to lose belly fat is to do twists. Standing with legs apart, twist the upper half of your body from side to side, with arms stretched out to the sides. Toe-touches are also a good exercise. These all promote a smaller waist and flatter tummy.

When you start your diet and exercise program, remember not to slack off. Missing just one day will lead to missing "just" two days, and soon you're eating burger after burger while breaking that couch in a little more. After you lose fat, don't stop your exercise program. Now you're fit, so keep yourself that way!

To request your Free Fat Loss Report 12 Biggest Fat Loss Scams, click here: Burn Fat Fast Learn how you can burn fat fast and not have to suffer through another diet. Find out how to lose weight and do it within 30 days.

Hoodia, The Weight Loss Plant - Why It Helps With Weight Loss

If you are into losing weight at all, or even being healthy, you have probably of heard about Hoodia. There has been great success with people using Hoodia to overcome there appetites. If you don't think it works, tribal members in Africa would eat Hoodia while out on long hunting trips to crave their hunger. This has been going on for probably thousands of years.

There are plenty of natural weight loss supplements out there that contain Hoodia. You just have to make sure it's coming from a reputable company or else it's not the real stuff. Companies need a certificate to get Hoodia because it's such in a demand now. Hoodia is grown under the harsh conditions of the beating sun and lack of water in the desert. After five years of growing, the Hoodia plant will flower which then you can eat it. Before that it is no good and you won't get the effects of the appetite suppressant.

Now this isn't going make you not eat at all. It just makes it so you can get throughout the day with eating minimal. So in the long run, your losing weight when your not eating all those greasy chips or hotdogs. Understanding the importance of not being hungry all the time will really lose the weight you desire.

To name a few weight loss supplements that contain Hoodia, Proshape RX is a notable one that really delivers results. Hoodia can be found in this one which is really effective along with the other natural herbs. Hoodia Gordonii Plus has also been around for a while which is another certified holder of Hoodia import. So if your interested in a weight loss supplement containing Hoodia, then those would be ideal for your weight loss plans.

Who would be a good contender for weight loss supplements containing Hoodia? Well, if you are one that can't seem to keep your fingers out of the cookie jar, or you are slipping on calories. It would be a good choice for you to try out this natural product. Once you get over your hunger, then you will be able to lose weight because how do you gain weight? By eating. So suppress the appetite to end that.

Everyone has tried to lose weight sometime in their life or to shape up a little bit. Find out what natural weight loss supplements actually work. has what your looking for.

What Weight Loss Fitness Program Should You Use?

So you're looking for a high quality weight loss fitness program? There are so many out there which one is best for you? This article is designed to point you in the right direction and to shed a little light on how best to achieve your weight loss goals.

An excellent way of slimming is to use exercise programs and fitness plans as a way to help you not only lose weight and burn fat, but to improve fitness and boost your energy levels. Improved fitness levels and lower body fat will also help reduce the chances of overweight related illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Exercise has also been shown to help your brain to function properly so incorporating a quality weight loss fitness program will not only benefit your physical health, it will also improve your mental health! Exercising for weight loss doesn't have to be hard, just consistent. So long as you stay committed to a program you will constantly improve your fitness and drop those excess pounds.

It is also of vital importance to incorporate quality nutrition along with any new weight loss fitness program - this will help you achieve any weight loss goals you have quicker and enable you to keep the fat off permanently. Your body uses food for energy and any excess energy is stored as fat. This means should you eat more food than your body needs for daily activities and cell maintenance, you will gain weight. In order to lose weight, you must get your body to use up these stores of fat. The most effective way to do this is to simply increase your levels of daily activity whilst reducing the amount of calories you eat. This is why experts talk about weight loss in terms of diet and exercise.

Recent studies have shown that the optimal way to lose fat is to increase your metabolism so you burn stored fat even whilst resting, a high intensity weight loss fitness program can help with this. The fundamental principles of High Intensity Training (HIT) are that any exercise should be brief, infrequent, and intense. Each exercise should be performed with a high level of effort so that it will stimulate the body to produce an increase in muscular strength and size whilst simultaneously losing fat. It promotes quicker increases in fitness levels since all your muscle fiber types are stimulated in the process.

Strength training should also be incorporated into any weight loss fitness program. Every pound of muscle burns approximately 35 calories per day so it is of vital importance to at least maintain your muscle mass. Adding muscle will raise your resting metabolic rate and will greatly increase the chance that the weight loss (more accurately fat loss) will be maintained. This resting metabolic rate accounts for 60 to 75 percent of your daily calorie expenditure, so even a modest increase will help burn off more fat.

A great weight loss fitness program will incorporate both high intensity and strength training, remember an increase in muscle tissue is a good thing - it helps your body to lose fat all day by increasing your metabolism, reducing the chance of injury and making everything you do easier!

Visit my site Weight Loss Fitness Program and take a look at a free routine developed by me to help you see great results. Also featured on my site is a review of the fitness program that I currently use - if you are serious about achieving your goals I urge you to check it out.

Isn't there more to it? Surely these aren't the only tips I need! If you wish to obtain further 'secrets' about weight-loss and fitness please visit Daniel's site at Weight Loss Fitness Program where he discusses in more depth, ways to transform your body and your life in a matter of weeks.