Healthy Fat Loss

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weight Loss and Detoxification

The first thing that comes to mind when people think of weight loss is being hungry and miserable. Over the past ten years we have seen one fad diet after another claiming to help you shed those extra pounds within days. Unfortunately those diets are all doomed to failure simply because they do not promote healthy weight loss.

One well known low carbohydrate diet claims you can healthily lose ten pounds per week while another carbohydrate rich diet claims the same. Both diet plans promote drinking lots of fluids and maintaining a daily exercise regimen.

Exercise alone can help you shed the pounds and inches before swimsuit season, but don't overlook the importance of a well-balanced diet and full-body detoxification. One of the most important steps to detoxifying your body is a simple colon cleansing. Cleansing the colon of toxins can help flush out that bloated, fat feeling as well as help enhance your weight loss goals.

There are several options for a healthy colon cleanse and full body detoxification. Simply the addition of water, fruits and vegetables to your diet goes a long way in promoting a healthy lifestyle. Steamed or raw vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber to help cleanse the colon. Adding green, leafy vegetables to your diet will also increase your fiber intake, helping cleanse your colon and digestive tract very effectively. Cutting back on red meats and dairy products is also advised, as these foods congest the digestive tract.

Fruit and vegetable juices are also very good 'snack' fillers for when you need a quick little pick-me-up. Avoid that afternoon candy bar and soda, both are very high in fats and carbohydrates that will only help reverse your weight loss goals. The addition of eight to ten glasses of water per day will help flush your body of unwanted toxins and fat.

To many people, adding eight to ten glasses of water to their diet per day is a bit overwhelming. One way to remember to drink your water is to drink two to three glasses before every meal. This will also help you achieve a feeling of being full more quickly; thus aiding to your weight loss.

There is also a very wide variety of herbs that help aid in the cleansing of the digestive tract and colon. Herbs such as phylum are often found in over-the-counter laxatives. Phylum adds the fiber that your body needs to help it become regular and help flush out toxins that may hinder weight loss.

Detoxification and colon cleansing is a very important part of weight loss. Just changing one's eating habits can drastically improve your overall health. Studies have shown that the poor eating habits we all fall prey to cause our colon to store mass amounts of unhealthy toxins. In fact, the human colon can hold more than thirty-five pounds of toxins and feces.

The addition of rice, nuts, seeds, fish, beans and other protein-rich foods can help cleanse the colon of most of these unwanted toxins and pounds. Simply detoxifying your body by eating more healthily and drinking lots of water is an excellent way to jump-start any diet and exercise program. It's also probably the easiest thing you can change about yourself.

Brad Hodges is President of BRAD HODGES ENTERPRISES
A Health e-commerce.
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Diets for People Who Want to Lose Weight Fast

There are special diets for people who wanna lose weight fast and these diets really work. There is a big misunderstanding among people that one should avoid food as far as possible if he or she wants to lose weight. But it never helps. All it does to you is that it robs you of energy and vital nutrients essential for sustaining a healthy and active life. You go tired, become prone to diseases and infections, your internal organs such as liver, spleen, kidneys and heart start malfunctioning and your brain suffers severe fatigue and severe loss of blood and finally come out hungry like a wolf. You start gulping down indiscriminately everything you find edible and put on far more weight than you were before. So avoiding food is never a solution for losing weight.

Diets for people who wanna lose weight fast differ from person to person, depending upon their structure, weight, built, daily activities and their state of health. Still there are few things in common. We shall discuss them now.

First of all, stop following four heavy meals a day schedule and switch on to frequent but very small meals after small gaps. Eat a small quantity at a time and keep yourself a little starving and repeat it again and again. Then, avoid fats and sweet and include high proteins, preferably vegetable proteins and if not, then lean animal proteins, in your diet. A lot of fats are burnt in digesting proteins and muscles will replace fats. Don't give up carbohydrates totally. Have them, but in lesser quantity. Next, include a lot of roughage (fiber) and water in your diet. Fiber is very effective in reducing fat and so is water.

The more you drink water, the more you urinate and sweat, and each time you urinate or sweat, fats up to 4% of the volume of urine and sweat are lost from the body. Last but not the least; eat green leafy vegetables as much as you can. Apart from being rich in fiber and water, they provide the necessary vitamins and nutrients which keep the metabolism in order and help reduce weight.

John is a self proclaimed Weight loss Expert. Get A step by step weight loss guide and learn some hidden powerful weight loss secrets at and also get a free weight loss guide and see the weight loss program thats taking the internet by storm! Plus see more "Diets for People Who Wanna Lose Weight"

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review

What is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan and does Fat Loss 4 Idiots Work? The Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a web based diet program that does not require the purchase of any meal plans nor supplements. The diet plan works like this; you enter a list of preferred foods in the lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, and carbohydrates family and the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program will generate a 11 day diet meal plan for you.

You will have 4 meals a day; each meal being at least 2.5 hours apart. There is no calorie counting nor strict portion control; you are given the guidance to eat until you feel just short of full. At the end of 11 days, you get 3 cheat days when you can eat whatever you want. The meal plans are rotated and changed on an 11 day cycle. The reasoning behind this is that your body's metabolism may adapt to your previous diet and slow down; Fat Loss 4 Idiots aims to trick the body's metabolism by varying the diet plan every 11 days.

Does the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet program work? Yes...but not because of any "calorie shifting". The Discriminating Consumer could find no scientific evidence supporting "calorie shifting". The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet works because it is essentially a low carb, high protein diet; even though it doesn't advertise itself as so. Any time you drastically cut your calorie intake, you are bound to lose weight. Those with more weight to lose will, of course, lose more weight than those who had less to lose to begin with.

All in all, the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet program is an affordable and simple, almost idiot proof, diet program. It is worth a buy for those searching for rapid weight loss, looking to lose a considerable amount of weight in a short period of time. The Discriminating Consumer does not recommend crash diets, but sometimes that is exactly what someone is searching for. Those looking for longer term weight management or those who need more human support to be motivated should look elsewhere.

Please visit for more Fat Loss 4 Idiots Reviews and fast weight loss program reviews.

Don't Eat Fast Food

It's annoying that it's extremely easy to put weight on, but when it comes to getting rid of it it's extremely difficult! Eating is great fun, everyone will find eating to be enjoyable and so it can be difficult refraining from tucking into your favorite snack. No one likes to give up something that they enjoy doing, which is why people continue eating and become more and more fat.

Recent studies have suggested that the human body does not react to a diet in the way it was first expected. The body has been designed over a period of hundreds of years and has adapted. The human body can cope with lean periods very easily, and this is exactly how it sees a diet. Our bodies are very complex machines, and you need to trick them into losing weight.

Another reason why it's so easy to gain weight is thanks to the modern lifestyle. Now everyone is rushed off their feet and you'll find junk food everywhere. Fast food is one such culprit, it's a high energy food but it doesn't fill you up. This will cause you to consume many more calories than you need. Cars also mean that we're not walking as much as we used to. Plus most of us work behind a desk rather than hunting, which is another way we used to lose weight (as cavemen).

Snacks are all too easy to get your hands on. They contain too many calories, and they're far too easy to buy. The best thing to eat in between meals is fruit. It might not taste as sweet as what you're used to, however it is pleasant and it's good for you.

It is possible to get rid of bad habits, it just takes a little patience. Ignore the temptations and you will soon not bother about whatever it is. offers you the latest information on weight loss, articles, and reviews about the numerous weight loss products that are on the market.

FREE weight loss articles, exercise tips and tools to help you lose weight.

Don't Eat Fast Food

It's annoying that it's extremely easy to put weight on, but when it comes to getting rid of it it's extremely difficult! Eating is great fun, everyone will find eating to be enjoyable and so it can be difficult refraining from tucking into your favorite snack. No one likes to give up something that they enjoy doing, which is why people continue eating and become more and more fat.

Recent studies have suggested that the human body does not react to a diet in the way it was first expected. The body has been designed over a period of hundreds of years and has adapted. The human body can cope with lean periods very easily, and this is exactly how it sees a diet. Our bodies are very complex machines, and you need to trick them into losing weight.

Another reason why it's so easy to gain weight is thanks to the modern lifestyle. Now everyone is rushed off their feet and you'll find junk food everywhere. Fast food is one such culprit, it's a high energy food but it doesn't fill you up. This will cause you to consume many more calories than you need. Cars also mean that we're not walking as much as we used to. Plus most of us work behind a desk rather than hunting, which is another way we used to lose weight (as cavemen).

Snacks are all too easy to get your hands on. They contain too many calories, and they're far too easy to buy. The best thing to eat in between meals is fruit. It might not taste as sweet as what you're used to, however it is pleasant and it's good for you.

It is possible to get rid of bad habits, it just takes a little patience. Ignore the temptations and you will soon not bother about whatever it is. offers you the latest information on weight loss, articles, and reviews about the numerous weight loss products that are on the market.

FREE weight loss articles, exercise tips and tools to help you lose weight.