Healthy Fat Loss

Thursday, June 26, 2008

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Weight Loss Needs Adaptation Process

For normal person, lose weight is as simple as cutting calories intake. If (normally) you eat 2,300-2,600 calories daily, probably you think you will lose some pounds by eating less. Some people make drastic changes, they eat less than 1,500 calories per day! It is normal? Of course not. It is effective? No.

If you do not agree with my statement, please continue reading. Yeah, you will lose up to five pounds in the next two days (after you begin this absurd change) but you will never lose more pounds in the next few weeks or months. The reason is simple, because you DID NOT lose fats but you lost your muscle tissue and your body water.

Our body needs adaptation process. So if you often eat lots of foods then one day you change it drastically, you will surprise your own body. When you consume low calories foods, your muscle tissue will spread a lot of glycogen and also a lot of water. So in the end, you lose pounds because you lose these glycogen and water. That's all. When you start eating normally again, your body will reproduce the glycogen and water. This is the problem.

Now how to eat properly? Simple. You must eat foods with the right proportion (40% carbohydrate, 40% protein, and 20% fat). You can also eat lesser than usual per meal but you need to change slowly. Take an example from evolution process. You must change your habit slowly, do not take any drastic change in one night. It won't help. If you smart, you can even still eat more than 4,000 calories per day but you will still lose weight. Of course all of these things need time and dedication. You must "guide" your body to follow your direction slowly. Don't surprise your own body.

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Exercise And Weight Loss

While the majority of people recognize that exercise is necessary to effective natural weight loss, many are uncertain as to what kind of exercise they should do to get the best results. Many exercise experts disagree on what kind of exercise is best. This disagreement seems to stem from a lack of complete information regarding exercise physiology coupled with the fact that different people actually have different needs when it comes to exercise.

Let's begin with what the current research on exercise physiology tells us. It is well-established that it takes approximately 30 minutes of any kind of exercise for the body to burn off its glycogen (stored sugar) reserves and begin burning fat. Because of this, many experts will recommend half an hour to an hour of exercise to produce a good amount of weight loss. Now, if you are going to be exercising for 30 to 60 minutes, or maybe more, what type of exercise would you be able to do for that length of time? It probably would have to be low to medium intensity. In other words, you're probably not going to be able to run full speed or do any other type of high-intensity exercise for 30 to 60 minutes without a rest, unless you happen to be an elite athlete, and even then you'd be struggling. So, by default, the common recommendation for exercise to lose weight has been 30 to 60 minutes of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise. Aerobic translates to "in the presence of oxygen", which in common language means that aerobic exercise is any type of activity that you can do without gasping for breath.

In recent years, some experts have changed their recommendations to using a more intense anaerobic ("without oxygen") exercise program for weight loss. This would include things like intense weight lifting, and something called "interval training". Interval training involves brief bursts of high intensity activity with periods of rest or low intensity activity in between. For example, you might run full out for 30 seconds or a minute and then walk for a minute or two until you catch your breath and then run again full out for 30 seconds to a minute, walk again, etc.. Because this kind of workout is much more strenuous, it is performed over a much shorter period of total exercise time - about 20 to 40 minutes (at least half of which is rest time), as compared to half an hour to an hour of non-stop exercise as is recommended with low to medium intensity aerobic workouts. But how do the two types of exercise stack up when it comes to fat burning?

The aerobic exercise promoters point to the research that was mentioned earlier that has shown that any exercise, no matter how intense requires at least 30 minutes to use up the body's stored glycogen (the body will normally burn glycogen before it will burn fat) before fat burning can begin. So, they say, short periods of even highly intense exercise won't burn much fat and is therefore not a good choice for promoting weight loss. But they are only seeing part of the story.

It is true that you must exercise for at least 30 minutes to begin to achieve fat burning - but that's at the time you are exercising. Brief bursts of intense anaerobic exercise does something that even quite a lot of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise does not. Intense anaerobic exercise stimulates the production of growth hormone, which is a strong stimulator of fat burning. The thing is, the release of growth hormone triggered by intense anaerobic exercise comes 24 to 48 hours AFTER the exercise, and then it produces considerably more fat burning than is possible with all but extremely long periods of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise.

Because of this effect, most people will lose weight much more easily by doing shorter periods of more intense exercise. 20 to 40 minutes of heavy weightlifting, interval training (which could be done on foot, on a bicycle, swimming, kickboxing, etc.) , wind sprints, soccer, basketball, or any other activity with quick bursts of high intensity with periods of rest or low intensity activity in between is typically much more effective in the long run for weight loss than even hours of aerobic activity.

Now, you'll notice that I said "most people". There is an exception to the rule. Anyone who is seriously emotionally or physically stressed in his or her daily life is prone to overstimulated adrenal glands. The adrenal glands do a lot of things in the body, but with regards to weight loss, they produce two hormones. Cortisol is one of the hormones, and it stimulates fat storage in the lower abdominal area. This is typically a saggy, pendulous fat held below the waistline. The other hormone the adrenals produce is adrenaline (also called epinephrine), which actually promotes fat burning. Since the adrenals produce cortisol which causes fat deposition and adrenaline which promotes fat burning, you might assume that these two hormones cancel each other out. Unfortunately, cortisol production can be carried out by a much longer time by the adrenal glands than can the production of adrenaline, so long-term, the effects of high cortisol production (deposition of fat in the lower belly), will overcome whatever fat burning might occur from the short-term adrenaline production.

The adrenals are influenced by physical stress as well as mental stress, so for someone who is under a lot of stress in general in his or her life, high-intensity exercise will only add to the total stress and will tend to make the adrenals produce a lot of cortisol, and therefore will tend to promote lower abdomen weight gain. That's right - the wrong kind of exercise in this situation can cause weight gain! This can result in the frustrating situation in which one exercises more and more and harder and harder to try to get rid of that lower abdomen stomach "pooch", but never can seem to get rid of it. Due to the fact that the intense exercise is causing even more cortisol to be produced, their efforts are counterproductive. Because of this effect, it is recommended that people under a lot of stress and/or who have most of their weight held in the lower abdomen stick to relatively low intensity aerobic exercise. This kind of activity is usually helpful for controlling stress and reducing the level of cortisol, thereby making it easier to get rid of the deposition of fat around the lower abdomen.

I hope that this article has given you a better concept of how to maximize your exercise routine for the best possible weight loss results.

Dr. George Best is a holistic healthcare provider in San Antonio, Texas. He provides information on natural weight loss through his website and is a consultant for He can be reached at

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